Saturday, June 30, 2012

Get Ready to Master Performance With VMware VCenter Operations

IT performance data provides essential statistics about your business. The data covers issues such as operating systems and quality of service. However, a VMware study shows this data is not necessarily what it seems to be.
Metric and Normal
A number of IT companies supplied metric data to VMware. "Metric" in this instance refers to the standard measurement of data for a particular area.
The companies all assumed the data was "normally distributed". This means the data would follow a predictable pattern without unusual extremes.
VMware's analysis showed the data to be far from normal. In fact, the data followed many different distribution patterns over time.
Performance Data
Generally speaking, normal distribution techniques are useful for certain types of long-range IT performance data. But VMware's research focused on short-range real-time data. This is the sort of information you use to confirm IT systems are working as you would wish.
VMware's conclusion from its research was simple and alarming. IT performance data could be significantly inaccurate when measured by the usual techniques of normal distribution. The standard methods for establishing performance analytics for IT systems and business processes were therefore suspect.
Mastering Performance
VMware realised you can only master performance when you have the right data. Consequently, it developed software to obtain data using a non-parametric approach. This avoids any assumptions about normal distribution.
VMware vCenter Operations is the result. It gives you accurate real-time analysis of performance statistics. To do this, it uses a sophisticated, patented tool to determine the behaviour of your business services and applications.
With VMware vCenter Operations, you get:
· Advanced, on-demand analysis to improve the way your business operates
· Proactive alerts to highlight impending problems
· Root cause analytics to give you plenty of time to resolve performance difficulties
· Performance dashboards to provide graphic illustrations of the health and performance of your most important applications
High-Quality Performance Mechanism
What this amounts to is a high-quality performance mechanism with two main functions.
The first is to note performance abnormalities and show how they are affecting performance. The second judges whether the abnormalities are likely to be the sign of emerging problems requiring your prompt attention.
VMware vCenter Operations applies these functions automatically. You don't need to intervene. You gain vital data about your IT quickly and easily.
With such information to hand, you can keep the performance of your business on track. You can eliminate IT sprawl and ensure regulatory compliance.
To find out more about mastering performance with VMware vCenter Operations, contact LETN.
Steve Denby is Sales Director at LETN Ltd. Based in Reading, Berkshire, UK, LETN design and implement cost efficient infrastructure solutions using Leading Edge Technology.
Steve Denby passionately believes that the path to true business efficiency and competitive edge lies in the adoption of Leading Edge Technology.

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