Sunday, June 24, 2012

University School Clocks - Optimize for the Entire Campus

Many college campuses throughout the US and all over the world are historical landmarks. In other words, they've been around quite a while. Countless universities have existed for centuries, while many schools built in the early 1900's and on are slowly aging as well. While this aspect might give a romanticism or nostalgic feel to the campus, it also means that very commonly, these older institutions are without various updated technologies. It's safe to say that every one of these schools has upgraded their computers and software-the immediate needs for students. However, some of the forgotten yet extremely crucial components of a college or university are sometimes left unattended, such as the school clock timing system. When the clock system is not updated, standalone quartz clocks from Walmart are sometimes used in their absence, which can lead to some detrimental results.
In an environment where organization is key in delivering the end product, students' educations are hindered when this key ingredient is not present. For example, organization is one of the largest components of class registration each semester. If there is no organization, students are bumped out of courses that are crucial for their graduation. Similar to the case of class registration, without that element of organization that a synchronized school clock system brings to a university, students' educations are at stake. Let's say a student has been racking their brain studying for an exam in the library. The time on the clock on the wall tells the student she has more than 20 minutes before the exam starts, so she gets her last few minutes of cramming under her belt. As she packs up to leave, allowing five minutes to get to class, she turns and sees the clock in the hallway outside is displaying a time 10 minutes faster than the clock she was using while studying. Unfortunately, she was receiving her time from the incorrect, standalone clock the entire time and is now late for her exam. Without matching time displays throughout the campus, these things can occur quite frequently.
One of the major challenges in keeping matching time displays throughout a university is having a matching time display between one end of the campus to the other. This can prove difficult with standalone, quartz clocks that are sometimes spread over a mile apart on larger campuses. It seems the farther distance the clocks range, the less likely they'll have matching times. However, with synchronized school clocks, PoE specifically, each clock has the ability to communicate over the university's Ethernet network. This means that the clock all the way in the art building on the edge of the campus will receive time over the network from the same source as the clock on the complete opposite side in the business school-making sure both time displays are exactly the same.
Without argument, synchronized school clocks provide a better learning environment for students when it comes to organization and the simple task of needing to be somewhere on-time. However, when older universities decide to put off the uprooting of the old, standalone clock routine that everyone appears to be used to, they are only aiding the problem. The longer these issues arise from unsynchronized clocks, the more students are jeopardized in their educational careers. The installation of school clocks into any university will help leverage student to the point of success, and avoid these mishaps outlined above.
Justin Salmasi is a Marketing Intern at The Sapling Company

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